We have now just returned home from an excellent weekend at the lokal show in Hjørring. As we announced yesterday our cattle Bloksdal Mirabelle -ET won the predicate best Charolais (thereby also best female and heifer) and got 24p. She weighed 900 kg. She competed on Saturday for the competition interbreed across all beef cattle breeds and was number four overall.
In addition, we participated with our 2.5 year old Charolais bull, Bloksdal Matador -ET V.B. (brother of Bloksdal Mirabelle -ET). He weighed in at 1145 kg and won his group and got 23p and later took part in the honorary prize competition. We also had Bloksdal Opal at the show. She was in group with 7 other really good Charolais heifers. She was the heaviest in her group and was assigned 23 points.
Finally, we had Bloksdal MiLady and Olympia. They both got 22 points. Milady is a young first calf cow, which is difficult to get properly in show form when she also milking her calf very well. Olympia is a heifer for the future as most of all was involved in experiencing a show.
All in all, an excellent show for our family and farm. Now we look forward with great excitement to the national show in Herning.