We are a family of five who like Charolais. We live 12 km south of Aalborg (Denmark) in a town called Ferslev, on our farm Bloksdal. The farm was bought in 1989 after looking at farms for several years. Bloksdal was taken over on May 15, 1989.

We started by buying 3 Charolais cows and one bull, as well as 2 crossing heifers. In the fall of 1989 we were in Luxembourg and there we bought 2 Charolais heifers. The following year we bought a bull (Echo) down there, and he would later prove to be the rootstock of our herd. We later picked up another bull in Luxembourg.
We later retrieved both embryos and animals in France.
In 1994 we built the hall which can be seen in the picture. The hall is 288 m2. In this hall, most of our animals go into deep litter.
Over the years, the herd has grown to approx. 30 animals.
When we bought the farm in 1989 there were approx. 10 ha. to. There are approx. 15 ha. to the farm today and in the year 2025 we operate approx. 22 ha.