A nice email

Yesterday we received the following message and picture.

Hi Karsten and family We have now had Bloksdal Ole (Bloksdal Linux –ET VB x Bloksdal Ily) for a year. We got the first three calves after him. The three calves have all had a size, so the two heifers and one cow have been able to feed themselves. Ole is very gently – both in the barn and on the field last summer. He is calm when people pass by – and we could catch a calving cow without him coming and interfering. So, so far, he’s a bargain. Sincerely Ulla and Kristian, Djursland

It is always nice to hear from owners of animals there are sold to livelihood, especially when there was a special focus on easy calving and temper for the above sales and owners.

We may also have your next Charolais animal walking around in our farm. We currently have several bulls, heifers and cows for sale. Check our sales list on this website or contact us by phone or e-mail.

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