New calf

We got a little new calf this week. It is Martin’s cow Bloksdal MiLady (Vanggaard Daddy -ET x Bloksdal Unak -ET) that
has had another calf. She also did that 333 days ago, which is a very nice calving interval. The calf is by the French bull Marechal (Izoard x Ironie), which the Danish Charolais Association has recommended as a show bull. It will therefore be exciting to follow he growth. MiLady is the mother of Special Lady, who got the magical 24 points at several shows in both 2022 and 2023.
Unfortunately, MiLady had problems with unblocking the mouth of the litter box. calving, which is why we had to have veterinary assistance. With their help, we got the 47 kg heifer calf out. The calf will be numbered 433 and will be called Bloksdal Venus de Lady.

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